M123-125A1 GP Bomb Tail Fuze WW2


  • M123 Bomb Tail fuse 100, 250 lb bomb

  • M124 Bomb Tail Fuse 500 lb

  • M125 Bomb Tail fuse 1000, 2000 lb bomb


An exact copy of a M123-125 bomb tail fuse, standard in WW2 GP bombs.
CNC machined aluminum
This replica nose fuze is free rotating. Its designated use is for AN-M bombs 100 lb - 4000 lb GP bombs.

Tail fuse for 100 lb and 250 lb is 6.3" long
Tail fuse for 500 lb is 9.3" long
Tail Fuse for 1000 and 2000 lb is 13.3"

Bomb Tail Fuze Fun Facts
Principle of Operation: During bomb’s release from the aircraft, the propeller (vane) rotates, allowing an impeller to spin. After a certain number of revolutions, the fuse becomes armed, allowing it to function. When the bomb impacts the target, the firing pin punches the detonator causing it to detonate, activating the booster charge, which causes the main charge to function. These bombs are equipped with nose and tail fuses. The common nose fuse is the AN-M103 and the tail fuse is the AN-M123-125.

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